Business Advice
Beginner’s Guide to Freelancing

Beginner’s Guide to Freelancing

Working your standard 9 to 5 job may seem like the dream for most people. However, there are many limitations that come with that such as dealing with annoying bosses and not being able to set your own schedule. Nevertheless, taking the step towards freelance and freedom is intimidating for most. This guide exists to help guide you through to financial and personal freedom. While many see freelancing as a hobby or a neat way to make cash on the side, with the entrepreneurial and creative touches, it could very easily become a full-time livelihood.

Pros and Cons of Freelancing


1. Flexible working hours: you can set your own hours, work from the comfort of your own home and work around other commitments such as school

2. Control over your workload: you can be selective about how much work you take on and work within your own comfort zone or choose to push yourself out of it.

3. Potential to make a lot of money: with the right reputation and reach, there is no limit on how much you can earn.


1. Your income is unstable: it may not always be easy to find customers and this may make it difficult to keep up with bills and expenses.

2.Requires a lot of discipline: There are many distractions at home and it can take a significant amount of willpower to work consistently

3. Working independently: For social butterflies, not having the office environments to chat and mingle may be isolating and lonely

Guide to Freelancing

Have a Vision

The first step to starting your own freelancing business is to have a vision and eliminate personal doubts; solidifying the idea that you’re capable of striking out on your own. This can be done by taking previous creative whims and turning them into serious ideas through thorough planning, concept maps, flowcharts, personal goals, and hard work. It is important to pursue ideas that you’re passionate about and that you find fulfilling, regardless of how others see them. You can learn more about this in detail by visiting and similar platforms.

Decide on a Structure

It may be difficult and frightening to start the technical portion of your business but it is fundamental. And with the right guide, it’s not intimidating at all. You can run your business as a corporation or a limited liability company, or you can run it without incorporating it as a sole proprietorship. It is important to conduct research, such as checking out articles that focus on llc vs inc, in order to discover what suits your needs best.

Design Strong Marketing

You may think your product or service speaks for itself but in this competitive free market, it is important to strengthen your base with solid marketing. Begin by creating a social media account and a website, in order to make sure customers are able to reach you. Having multiple accounts on different platforms is a great way to broaden your reach. The next thing to do is establish consistent branding and audience. Following this, network and utilize interpersonal resources in order to reach as many people as possible.

Create a Portfolio

While it’s important to be confident in your own ability, remember that your client has no reason to believe that your work is quality and worth their time and money without proof. Establishing an organized and solid portfolio is a great way to demonstrate your skills and experience to prospective clients and customers. There are many resources to guide you through the process of building a portfolio for your skill.

Believe in Yourself

It may hopeless at first but you have the capacity to pursue your dreams. Everyone starts from somewhere and its important to not let temporary setbacks put you off; you can be successful if you keep on working.